message from book relationship reminders by elizabeth day, relationship help, advice, Gusto, when you're on different pages, how to get along better, how to take your power back, how to be powerful in a relationship, healthy boundaries, saying no, feeling good about yourself, being you, being strong, when there's tension, getting clear and strong, when you wish things were different, help to connect, how to get closer

message from book relationship reminders by elizabeth day, relationship help, advice, Gusto, when you're on different pages, how to get along better, how to take your power back, how to be powerful in a relationship, healthy boundaries, saying no, feeling good about yourself, being you, being strong, when there's tension, getting clear and strong, when you wish things were different, help to connect, how to get closer

message from book relationship reminders by elizabeth day, relationship help, advice, Gusto, when you're on different pages, how to get along better, how to take your power back, how to be powerful in a relationship, healthy boundaries, saying no, feeling good about yourself, being you, being strong, when there's tension, getting clear and strong, when you wish things were different, help to connect, how to get closer

message from book relationship reminders by elizabeth day, relationship help, advice, Gusto, when you're on different pages, how to get along better, how to take your power back, how to be powerful in a relationship, healthy boundaries, saying no, feeling good about yourself, being you, being strong, when there's tension, getting clear and strong, when you wish things were different, help to connect, how to get closer